10 Machine Learning Projects to boost your Portfolio


Getting a good job in the field of Machine Learning is getting very competitive. The best way to showcase your Machine Learning skills is in the form of Portfolio of Data Science and Machine Learning Projects.

A good Portfolio of Projects will show that you can apply those Machine Learning skills in your work.

Here are 10 Machine Learning Projects which will boost your Portfolio and will help you to get a job as a Data Scientist.

1. Human Activity Recognition with Machine Learning

Human activity recognition is the problem of classifying sequences of data recorded by specialized harnesses or smartphones into known well-defined Human activities.

It involves predicting the movement of a body, based on the sensor data, and involves deep knowledge of the domain from signal processing to correctly measure the features from the data to fit into a machine learning model. See Complete Project.

2. Predict Customer Churn with Machine Learning

Prediction of Customer Churn means our beloved customers intending to leave us in the future. We do this by implementing a predictive model with the help of machine learning and python.

With this model, you can expect a good understanding of customer churn in your own company. See Complete Project.

Artificial Intelligence Jobs

3. Movie Reviews Sentiment Analysis with Machine Learning

Sentiment relates to the meaning of a word and is associated with an opinion or an emotion, and analysis if you are a Data Scientist.

This is the process of looking at data and creating a binary classification using Machine Learning to learn and predict whether the movie reviews are positive or negative. See Full Project.

4. Bitcoin Price Prediction with Machine Learning

Bitcoin is the very first decentralized digital currency. This means this is not being governed by the government or by any central bank or any other authority.

In this project, you will learn to build your Python program with the Machine Learning algorithm, Support Vector Machines, so you can start trading and making money. See Full Project.

5. Student Performance Analysis with Machine Learning

Performance evaluation of students is essential to check the feasibility of improvement. Regular evaluation not only improves the performance but also helps in understanding where the students are lacking.

This Project is an automated solution for the performance evaluation of a student using machine learning. See full project.

6. Movie Recommendation System with Machine Learning

Recommendation systems are becoming increasingly important in today’s busy world. People are always short with their time and try to accomplish the work in their limited 24 hours.

The purpose of a recommendation system is basically to search for content that would be interesting to an individual. In this project, you will learn to create a Movie Recommendation system with Machine Learning. See full Project.

7. Email spam Detection with Machine Learning

Email spam is also called junk emails, are unsolicited messages sent in bulk by email (spamming).

In this project, you will learn how to detect email spam using a Machine Learning technique called Natural Language Processing and Python. See full Project.

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8. Amazon Product Reviews Sentiment Analysis with Machine Learning

Sentiment relates to the meaning of a word and is associated with an opinion or an emotion, and analysis if you are a Data Scientist.

This is the process of looking at data and creating a binary classification using Machine Learning to learn and predict whether the product reviews are positive or negative. See full Project.

9. Algorithmic Trading Strategy with Machine Learning and Python

Trading strategies are usually verified by backtesting: you reconstruct, with historical data, trades that would have occurred in the past using the rules that are defined with the strategy that you have developed. See full Project.

10. Weather Forecasting with Machine Learning

In this article, I will show how we can do Weather Forecasting with Machine Learning algorithm and compare some frameworks for further classification. See full Project.

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