Top 5 Free Courses to Learn OpenCV and Computer in 2024

My favorite free online courses to learn OpenCV and Computer Vision for Beginners in 2024


5 Best Free OpenCV and Computer Vision Courses for Beginners

Hello folks, if you want to learn about OpenCV and Computer Vision in 2024 and are looking for free OpenCV and Computer Vision courses, you have come to the right place. Earlier, I shared the best OpenCV courses you love, but some of you also asked to share free OpenCV and Computer Vision, which I’ll be doing today.

This article will share five free online courses to learn Computer Vision and OpenCV in 2024. These courses are created by OpenCV experts and trusted by thousands of developers on platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Pluralsight. You can also join them to kick start your career in Computer Vision and the OpenCV field.

Computer vision is very widely used and applied everywhere, from entertainment to healthcare and weapons, and the list goes on. This field is estimated to reach around 25.23 billion dollars in 2024.

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Still, although it is applied everywhere, that doesn’t mean you can’t find an industry where you can use computer vision to make a profit and run a business, and for that, you need first to learn a library called OpenCV.

OpenCV is a machine learning library designed by intel in 2003 for image and video processing. The library can work with different programming languages such as Python, Java, Matlab, and many other languages.

By using this library, people can make different computer vision applications such as self-driving cars, weapons, health care to diagnose diseases like cancers, and much more uses for this great library.

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Many instructors have created computer vision courses and paid them on Udemy or their hosting platform, but today you will see some Free online lessons to learn OpenCV.

By the way, if you don’t mind spending a few bucks for learning valuable technical skills like Open CV and Computer Vision, then I highly recommend you to check out this Deep Learning and Computer Vision A-Z: OpenCV, SSD, and GANs by the SuperDataScience team on Udemy. This is a great course to learn OpenCV in-depth, and you can get it for just $9.9 on a Udemy sale.

best course to learn opencv

5 Free OpenCV and Computer Vision Best Online Courses for Beginners to Learn in 2024

Without wasting any more of your time, here is a list of free online courses to learn OpenCV and Computer Vision in 2024. These are legally free courses from Udemy, Coursera, and Pluralsight, which have been made accessible by their creators for educational and marketing purposes. You can join any of these online courses to start learning OpenCV today.

1. Learn Computer Vision [Free]

Starting this list with a short course that will teach you the basics of OpenCV using Python, such as image and video processing, and you will build your face detection program. This course has around an hour of video content and more than 33k student enrollment.

Start by installing Python and OpenCV on your machine, then learn to import and read images inside this library. Next, you will try drawing different shapes on the image and learn image processing like image transformation and more.

Here is the link to join this course Learn Computer Vision

Learn Computer Vision [Free] course

2. Introduction to Computer Vision [Free]

If you want to learn OpenCV and make some programs on the cloud, you don’t need to download and install any additional software, and you may need to see this course created by IBM. The course is on the Coursera platform and has more than 14k enrollment.

First, you will be introduced to the field of computer vision and its impact on the market across many industries. Next, you will see how to use visual recognition software and perform image classification.

You will also see how to use this visual recognition software API with Python to perform image classification. Finally, you will use OpenCV and Python for object detection, license plate recognition, image compression, and much more.

Here is the link to join this course Introduction to Computer Vision

Introduction to Computer Vision [Free] course

By the way, instead of joining these courses and specialization individually, you can also join the Coursera Plus, a subscription plan from Coursera which gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects.

3. OpenCV for beginners [Free]

Another Free and exciting course to start using OpenCV and Python, especially if you have previous experience using this programming language. The system is small, with less than an hour, but you will get the basics of this library and how you can process images and videos.

Starting by installing the anaconda IDE and OpenCV, you will see how to read images using this library and plot ideas using matplotlib.

Then you will learn the ROI and resizing images and making blur images, edge detection, and thresholding. Finally, using the OpenCV library to work with videos and making live streaming using the webcam.

Here is the link to join this course — OpenCV for beginners

OpenCV for beginners [Free]

4. Getting Started with OpenCV in .NET [Free Trial]

I have said that OpenCV works with many languages, and all the previous courses discussed using this library with Python. Still, this course is exceptional and teaches you to use OpenCV with the .NET framework, and it will focus on getting started in this field.

Start by installing the library, then learn 2D feature processing such as feature detection, object detection, and more.

Then you will start applying these concepts on images using OpenCV like image processing, motion detection, face detection, and face recognition.

Here is the link to join this course — Getting Started with OpenCV

best Pluralsight course to learn OpenCV

By the way, this OpenCV course is not free precisely as you would need Pluralsight membership to watch this course which costs around $29 per month or $299 per year (14% discount).

However, you can watch it for FREE by using their 10-day-free-trial which is excellent to explore the Pluralsight platform and learn OpenCV for free.

5. Computer Vision For iOS Developers Course [Free]

This final course is not specifically about OpenCV. Still, it is more general about implementing computer vision techniques using neural networks or what’s known as deep learning, which is training the neural network on some images and learning to recognize those objects.

Starting by understanding what computer vision is as well as semantic segmentation. You will begin to create image datasets and semantic segmentation datasets and train them y create neural networks.

Finally, you will try to implement this computer vision software into your iOS app.

Here is the link to join this course — Computer Vision For iOS Developers Course

free udemy course to learn OpenCV

That’s all for the best free online courses to learn OpenCV and computer vision which is one of the most exciting fields nowadays because of its vast application uses that dominated many industries. Finally, let me know what course you will pick to start learning computer vision and why you are curious to understand this field.

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Thanks for reading this article so far. If you find these best free Computer Vision and Open CV online courses from Udemy, Coursera, and Pluralsight useful, then please share them with your friends and colleagues. If you have any questions or feedback, then please drop a note.

P. S. — If you already know the basics of Open CV and looking for a comprehensive course to take your OpenCV skills to the next level, then I highly recommend you to check out this Deep Learning and Computer Vision A-Z: OpenCV, SSD, and GANs by the SuperDataScience team on UDemy. This is a great course to learn OpenCV in-depth, and you can get it for just $9.9 on Udemy sale

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