Data Scientists : The Business Transcribers of the Cyber verse


Source : DeZyre and Project Pro

Who are we?

We are scientists that study the most important resource of the world today which is known as “Data".

Our job is to understand its origin, context, and application to a relevant scenario.

What are our objectives?

Every dayyou hear a very common statement in your workplace “Hey Dude send me the data”.

When people ask for data to get their work done and measure the performance of their work. They often don’t know the workings and efforts gone into making it and also how to advance it further to keep up with new trends in their work and industrial skillset.

Data Scientists are both responsible for assisting industrial transformation and also being the catalysts for it.

Known work?


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash


Photo by Reet Talreja on Unsplash

Netflix’s and Spotify’s recommendation engine is one of the record-breaking works of Data Scientists in partnership with Developers where the recommendations for movies and songs exponentially increased subscribers and made both the firms Industry 4.0 Rockstars.

Google Translate

Source: XDA Developers

Using Natural language processing algorithms for programming. Data scientists compiled a very complex and strongly tuned dataset with various languages and terms and are able to respond to audio recordings with textual readings, which has reduced many global communication gaps today and is used by 500 million people globally.

What is our future?

Photo by NEW DATA SERVICES on Unsplash

We are individuals who will study data and transform superstructures with it.

Every institution and organization needs to act on the analysis of its data activity and how design strategies based on them. We as Data Scientists would advise them and assist them with the implementation of the following relatable scenarios:

  • R&D of new products and Services with the partnership of manufacturing experts and domain specialists.
  • Designing Business strategies and policies with the partnership of Business Development experts.
  • Improve existing pipelines and procedures of business activities and data transfers with the partnership of operations experts.
  • Using new tools for business conduct and workplace practices with the partnership of human resource experts.

Authors Note

This is based on my knowledge, research, and experience in the field to date and it’s always subject to disagreement and dissolution.

I look forward to learning from the feedback given by my readers.

Who am I?

Hey Guys I’m currently Studying for my MSc in Data Science from the university of London and working as a freelancer in Analytics on Upwork. If you have any reviews, critics, or any need of advice for any analytics/Data Science/Machine Learning based project. Feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn and you may use my Github/Kaggle repository of python and R code templates and already-made visualization’s for implementation or reference.






Data Science Specialist- Data Sciences | Business Intelligence | Social Sciences | Machine Learning | Coding | Lifestyle