Deploy your first ML model live on WEB (Part 2 )


Creating News Classification Django App ( Part 1)

If you landed on this page directly then wait you will have to read the first part of this series to get the idea of what’s going on here :)

Part 1 — Creating ML model for News Classification Link

Part 3— Creating News Classification Django App ( Part 2) Link

Part 4 — Deploying on Heroku and live on Web Link

In this part, I am going to create a News classification Django app on a local machine that can be deployed directly on Heroku. And wait if you are not familiar with Django but a python practitioner doesn’t worry I will try to explain in much detail as possible.

So first of all why I have chosen Django. Actually, in Python, there are 2 most common frameworks. Django and Flask and Django is a full-stack web framework, whereas Flask is a micro and lightweight web framework. And if you want to develop more complex Web Apps then absolutely Flask will not work out for you.

Moreover, Django is just an easy and very good framework for lazy peoples who don’t want to do too much code :). Many complex kinds of stuff are already present in a cooked form in Django, so without further delay let's get started.

Machine Learning Jobs

If you are using anaconda then first open the anaconda terminal and type

conda install -c anaconda django


pip install Django

The version of Django that I am using right now is Django 3.1.3. So, if in the future anybody is facing a problem then roll down to this version because you guys know about Python deprecated stuff :|.

Then move into your working directory in anaconda terminal any type.

django-admin startproject newsclassifier

This will create a project directory automatically and many of the settings and other stuff are already created in this directory which is the magic of Django.

files and folder structure

Open the “newsclassifier” directory and you will see a folder and a file name Now open the “newsclassifier” folder inside that you will see 5 files that are present(in right of the picture). I will explain each file's significance in detail in my way.

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But for now, a most interesting thing is that by just writing a 1 line in conda terminal you have already made a website. Yes, I know you will not believe it. So type the below command in your conda terminal.

cd newsclassifierpython runserver

After typing this you will see output like

Watching for file changes with StatReloader
Performing system checks...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).You have 18 unapplied migration(s). Your project may not work properly until you apply the migrations for app(s): admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions.
Run 'python migrate' to apply them.
November 03, 2020 - 22:14:31
Django version 3.1.3, using settings 'newsclassifier.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CTRL-BREAK.

You just have to copy HTTP URL and paste that into chrome / Mozilla or whatever and you will see this

Your first running website

Now, do you believe one me? Yes actually your first website is live on your local machine but it doesn’t look like a news classifier isn’t it? Don’t worry just keep moving and you will get there soon.

By the way, is a command-line utility that lets you interact with the Django project in various ways.

Now first understand a basic thing that how our website will work. For news classification first, we have to make a python file, that can give an output of news category to our webpage. The webpage is the front end that we see on our web browser and it is made of HTML, CSS, and JS. So our workflow will be like when we type URL first, a page will appear on our browser which is decided by some function in backend and you will see a page which asks to type news and there is a button on which if we click, the typed news will be sent to the backend to that py file which we created. Which then load model and classify the text and send the news class in form of JSON back to our Webpage.

Confused? Wait let's move step by step.


This file mainly handles the processing part of the data that comes from the front end and also helps to show the webpage on the browser according to the URLs that are called.

On a website, there is the main page that is the home page. This page is the first page that opens automatically when you type its domain name. like but if you click any link in the homepage then it will send you to the same website but in a different section, we can notice that the main name of the link is same but there is some other text added with it like here we can see that “new-story” is the additional text that is added when you open stories section in the medium. And also every new section contains different HTML pages and we need a link between our typed URL and the HTML pages.

So the link between our typed URL and the webpage which is going to open is done by two python files named and We register our URL in and also add a function which is going to be called if we type that URL. And the function is written in

Don’t worry if you find this confusing you will understand, what I have written in a few second.

First, create a file in “newsclassifier” directory name and copy and paste this code.

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.http import HttpResponse
def home(request):
return HttpResponse('This is homepage')

actually, this means we are creating a function named home and when it called it will return a HttpResponse that can be read by browsers.

And now open the which is already created during starting the project. There may be some comments written on this py file you can remove it or leave it as it is.

from django.contrib import admin
from django.urls import path
from . import views # add this line
urlpatterns = [
path('', views.home, name='index'), # add this line

‘admin/’ URL is already present there leave it as it is, you will get to know about admin panel in further tutorials for this one we do not need to worry about it. Just import your and then in path function create a URL ‘ ’.This simply means when you type and add nothing in front of it then it will going to call a home function from (views.home) and give it a name it may be anything you want I am giving it name ‘index’.

So if we run the server and type URL, it will go to to search that if the typed URL is registered or not and if that URL is present in the file then it will further check that which function to call and from where. In our case function is home and it is called from and then home returns a text. Let see this works or not.

Again type the below code into your conda terminal if you have accidentally closed local server.

python runserver
Your homepage is working!

and then type in your web browser. Hurray, this is working :). Now we understand some basic thing time to make some more noise. We know that our homepage is not looking cool and for making any homepage cool we should have to make an Html page. But writing the whole code in HttpResponse is a very scary thing to do. So what we do is to write HTML code in a different file and save it in a folder named templates.

Our homepage should look like this

So we are going to make our homepage like this in which we have a huge text area where you can copy-paste your news and there is a button name classify news. Of course from using only HTML you can’t make pages beautiful. So what I have used here is Bootstrap. Those who not know about bootstrap in simple it is a framework which helps to make beautiful web pages by just copy and pasting code snippets that are provided on their official site and in very less effort.

I am not going to explain HTML code from scratch so you can just copy-paste it and if you want to change design then can use Bootstrap documentation. Now create an index.html file and copy-paste this stuffs.


structure of file and folder

your working directory should look like this. There should be a template folder and inside that index.html.

Now as we have created a folder from ourself that is not created at the start when we initialized our project. So this means that we have to tell somewhere that we have created a folder and add it into the project. For that go to newsclassfier directory and open This file is the core file of our Django projects. It contains the configuration values which are needed by web apps to work properly such as database settings, static files location, template location, etc.

Now search for this code in that file

'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
'DIRS': [],
'APP_DIRS': True,
'context_processors': [

And the just add the name of folder ie. templates inside the ‘DIRS’: [], in above code and don’t forget the comma.

'DIRS': ["templates"],

Now by doing this, Django adds the template folder in the project setting. And now we can access stuff that we put in our template folder.

Now time for magic.

Just open your and type.

from django.shortcuts import renderdef home(request):
return render(request, 'index.html')

And save it and then run the server again if stopped.

Here we go. We have deployed our homepage on the local machine

Woah! This is what looks like when you type the URL . Now our frontend is nearly ready but the button will not work because we haven’t tell it what to do when we click the button.

Also, this part is now already stretched long and I know you are excited but tired too. So take a break drink coffee and the Jump into the next part in which I will complete the whole website and make it run on locals.

And wait wait wait ! before moving on further if you like this article then you can give me a clap :) and I am thinking to create many articles on real Web deployment projects in the field of ML, CV, and Reinforcement learning. So if you do not want to miss them. Follow me and stay tuned :)

Readers are most welcome to notify me if something is mistyped or written wrong.

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