How AI is Changing the AV and IT Industries


Artificial Intelligence (AI) In the IT and AV Industries

As the IT (Information Technology) and AV (Audio Visual) industries further develop their usage of artificial intelligence (AI), there is going to be an incredible amount of change that goes with it. AI has already transformed how we use computers, but has lasting impacts on the future of several industries. This is especially true for sectors that rely heavily on technology.

Something to consider is how AI is affecting these two industries. Information Technology, for example, seems to be more focused towards commercial clients, but AV tends to trend more towards residential clients (although there are plenty of business needs as well). This leads to a different approach to implementing AI in the technology and applications used within IT and AV.

With this in mind, this article will focus on the changes brought about by AI in IT and AV technologies through the lens of their respective client approach: B2B or B2C and the overlap between the two.

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Artificial Intelligence in Information Technology (IT)

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By using AI in Information Technology, companies will need to strike a balance between incorporating AI in innovative ways without negatively affecting traditional IT systems. Many IT infrastructures can be complex and sophisticated in order to deliver the highest quality product and service to the client, which may make it difficult when trying to find ways to effectively integrate AI. Maintaining that balance is the ideal solution, but is also a challenge.

There are plenty of opportunities to rise to the challenge, especially as IT professionals primarily work within the B2B sector and have a majority of commercial clients. Though commercial IT operations management systems are larger and more complex, there is more opportunity to insert AI within a larger network. This will give Information Technology companies a greater chance to effectively integrate AI over time within existing infrastructures.

5 Changes AI is Making to Information Technology (IT)

1. AI in Visual and Audio Recognition

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Over the last 8 years, since Amazon’s Alexa first released, AI speech recognition programs have only improved their ability to listen to what we are asking for or saying. Similarly, the ability for AI to recognize objects and visual cues in images and videos has drastically improved. Even the ability for AI to scan live feeds is rapidly evolving.

Adding Artificial Intelligence to voice and device control gives companies the ability to streamline their protective services with AI actively scanning data in emails, files, etc. for viruses or other harmful files. In addition, it can also beef up security by using AI to scan for specific items, faces or voices and alert individuals or authorities as needed.

2. AI in Speech and Natural Language Processing (NLP)

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The other side of being able to recognize and accurately interpret audio and video is to naturally process or create language! This is a process called Natural Language Processing (NLP), when AI can begin to not only understand human speech but create original human speech as it engages with people.

This means being able to have improved chatbots that can understand and respond to client and customer questions as well as comprehend and execute tasks given to them. There are even artificial intelligence computers being developed to help understand sentiment and emotion within verbal or written language to better respond to humans!

3. AI in Decision Making

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Within these first two major changes brought about by AI comes a natural third change: the ability for AI to make decisions.

When AI can take visual, auditory, and human speech information and generate speech in return, it will need to be able to make decisions. As an example, AI-based systems may be able to process behavioral patterns on smartphone applications and then convert that information into a decision to tweak the user-experience to enhance effectiveness of the application.

Another great way for AI to make decisions and change the IT industry is to participate in defect analysis and efficiency analysis. Some AI may be able to assess protocols or infrastructure and determine where defects may exist in the system and then determine best solutions to increase efficiency. Another consideration is for AI to collect lots of data and generate solutions to improve efficiency over time, even without the presence of a defect.

AI being able to create and offer solutions is quickly changing the IT industry for the better, making it more efficient and helpful in the long term.

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4. AI for Process Automation

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Obviously, the introduction of AI in machines allows for automation at multiple process stages. From client acquisition to finding and alerting companies to defects and potential solutions, being able to automate these processes has plenty of benefits.

One of the biggest benefits brought about by AI is the ability to discover and fix bugs in systems, without the need for human intervention. This keeps software and programs running smoothly day after day.

The usefulness of artificial intelligence in automation is endless and a change that is positively affecting the IT industry.

5. AI for Self-Solving Management

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Along with the ability to make decisions, AI can be used in the IT industry to self-solve and manage itself. At first, this may seem an intimidating feature (giving up human control to computers is straight out of a sci-fi movie script!), but it is realistically no different than the ability of an employee to make a decision within the parameters they have to be their own manager. This is true even more of AI because they can include protocols that do not allow them to execute certain decisions without human intervention.

However, the ability for AI to diagnose, assess, create a solution, and implement that solution without the requirement of human input can drastically streamline the IT process — both for customers and companies.

One way this is seen in the IT industry today is with AI-operated service desks. The AI can receive submitted tickets, process and generate solutions, and implement if needed or requested by the customer. This can happen automatically with conversations and AI decisions sent to the IT company, allowing for employees to follow up if need be, or escalate to a human case manager if the answer isn’t readily available.

There is also the added benefit of AI being able to auto-schedule maintenance visits or requests when tickets are submitted that require a physical presence, further streamlining the process.

This is one change with AI that may seem scary, at first: to allow AI the ability to self-manage, but this brings about a whole new level of service to the IT industry currently unmatched with human intervention.

Artificial Intelligence in Audio Visual (AV) Technologies

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Just as with AI in Information Technology, AI in audio visual technologies will need to strike a balance between innovation and working within traditional infrastructures. While many AV infrastructures may be more simple, the implementation and innovation of using AI in the AV industry can become complicated by the customers desire to be directly interfacing with those AI systems.

Unlike with Information Technology, using AI in AV technologies requires a much more direct interaction between customer and AI-based systems. This can leave some people uncomfortable or intimidated about whether or not they are qualified to work with an AI-based system. However, there are a lot of beneficial uses of AI in the AV industry, especially for AV companies with a more B2C focus. Many of these AI use-cases can help streamline the lifestyles of customers and clients.

4 Changes AI Brings to Audio Visual (AV) Technologies

1. AI in Intelligent Systems

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First and foremost, the most familiar change brought about by AI in Audio Visual Technology is the introduction of intelligent systems. Many of us see and experience this everyday since the introduction of “Hey, Siri” or “Alexa” or “Hey, Google” to turn on the AI-based technology on our smartphones or home systems.

In the broader AV industry, we see intelligent systems implemented in everything from AI-based facial recognition systems in video cameras that follow the face of a person being recorded, to audio recording devices being able to single out a voice and quiet the surrounding noise. This creates a unique, user-focused experience for viewing and listening brought about by AI unheard of until recently.

2. AI for E-Learning & Online Learning

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With the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, online learning was transformed from something seen as a luxury to a necessity in the span of a few short months. Huge leaps were made in the arena of AI being used for AV technologies, which will only benefit us more long-term as many of us have passed the early adoption phase and are now pretty familiar with online education (and Zoom calls!).

One example of this is the ability for displays and cloud computing systems to simultaneously allow for students to log in from all over the world, meet and learn from a teacher, and collaboratively work on projects in real time. All of these things happen while AI handles everything in the background: bug fixes in software, facial recognition to optimize focus on students and teachers, and audio focusing AI-based systems enhancing and improving the e-learning process.

With the addition of digital signs and smart displays, some classrooms and office settings are even bringing the ability to collaborate in real time from their separate screens, further focusing on the same goals, projects, and workshops.

This change is important and vital to the success of many companies as humans gain the ability to work and produce and create from around the globe.

3. AI in Digital Signage

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If you have ever seen a map at a mall with a “You are here” sticker, then you know how there is a lot of benefit to introducing AI systems into digital signage technology. Some of these digital signs have been introduced with the ability to play videos and host interactive maps, but with implementations of AI in Audio Visual technologies, the possibilities are endless.

With AI implementations, there are many options you have at your fingertips. For example, you can create digital signage playing videos up to 8K resolution, improve video and audio output on the fly to adjust to surrounding light and decibel levels, and even communicate with other local AI to help retail customers. This creates a wonderful user experience (UX) for customers that brings value, solves problems, and does it all with little-to-no human interaction.

The future of AI in digital signage can also be seen by the example shown in the movie Minority Report, where digital signs changed based on the personal preference of people walking by, based on facial recognition and personal identification tags from personal devices they carried.

AI being used in AV technologies are bringing about many changes that benefit the end-user without alienating them as more targeted information is delivered to an individual or group of people, which can ultimately add up to an improvement on the quality of life for potential customers, or an optimization of resources for clients.

4. AI in Visual and Audio Recognition

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For the IT industry, AI would primarily use visual and auditory recognition to scan and alert, but for AI being used in AV technologies the same processes are used for the benefit of the end-user. This type of technology allows for optimized viewing and listening for end-users, but can also be used to save preferences and settings for individuals via facial recognition or voice recognition.

Another capability is adjusting displays based on visual data or direct input from the customer or client.

When it comes to presentations, meetings, and entertainment systems, AI in AV can create a more efficient and optimized experience for customers and end-users. These advances in AI-based systems continue to change the entire AV industry in a way that makes it relevant for today’s users.

How AI In IT & AV Technology is Changing Both Industries

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Whether you are talking about AI for IT or AV, it is clear that artificial intelligence is finding creative new ways of changing these industries, with the unique perspectives of both commercial and residential clients and technology driven consumers in mind.

Whether this change comes from intelligent systems, self-solving management systems, or visual and auditory recognition systems, AI will have a lasting impact on how these industries operate.

Looking For More Information On AI?

The world of AI is constantly expanding with new developments and technologies popping up all the time.

If you are asking yourself how or why to implement AI in IT or AV technologies, then we would love to help! Especially if you are looking for the best AI hardware choices.

If you thought we glossed over or missed something, then we would like to know about that, too. You can comment below or contact us with any questions.

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Interested in HMI, AI, and decentralized systems and applications. I like to tinker with GPU systems for deep learning. Currently at Exxact Corporation.