How to design your voice’s product persona? part 2


So, what have we learned so far? (If you missed the first part of the “How to Voice it” post, It may be better if you’ll take the time to read this and educate yourself about the Why, How and Who with, of the domain. I am waiting for you right here, with the second part and much of knowledge sharing!)

There is no such thing as a voice user interface without persona “ (Cohen, Giangla and Balogh, Voice Interface Design)

If you think your product vision can fit into this domain, not just as a feature, but also as a new experience, then you will probably need to start thinking what will be the proper platform to integrate your product’s voice strategy to, and if there is a problem you didn’t consider in your roadmap.

Did you ever ask yourself what your product would sound like if it had a voice? If you do have that question in mind, this article will help you set the scene for building your product’s voice persona.

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Here are the first steps and consideration to take when designing a voice persona :

  • A wide range of surfaces
  • Voice Tone
  • Understand the brand/product
  • Understand your audience
  • Understand the task

And now, it’s time for some voice-action:

Creating the persona

Once we have these three: brand, audience, and task, all figured out, it’s time to create the character. our product’s voice persona which needs to be comprehensive. Imagine someone that as a customer would want to work with.

The first step should be defining a social context.

As a user, what is my relationship with this persona (is it an advisor? A concierge? Colleague? Boss? Friend?)


You can use Clifford Nass’s (“wired for speech”) table below to position your product persona (one or a few may be necessary).

Your product persona can move between dominant to submissive and between distant and friendly.

Once you have placed the persona, you should define its background (just as you would have for a non-voice product persona). Add a welcome paragraph that describes your persona.

Imagine a conversation between people: how would your product persona introduce itself? This would get you in character and identify discrepancies between your initial description and the actual voice persona.


Start with a sample dialog. Write your conversation as a two-way conversation as if it was a real one. Start with positive flows (‘Job well done!’) and later fill in the negative scenarios (‘Can you please repeat?’).

User testing — act it out!

Act your script with a colleague or friend, where one is the user and the other is the machine. You can also use the wizard of oz testing method, you will probably discover some mismatches compared to real life conversations, for example, different exit intents, use cases you haven’t covered, and more.

Iterate, fix, repeat

Try and try again. Until you feel that you’ve captured the real essence of the persona. Check how usable it is and how it matches the user’s expectations.

Now you are ready to go and develop your voice skill or action.

So.. let’s summarize it:

Review your persona: is this describing the voice of your product? Is it representing the brand, the user, and the task?

Define your persona: bring it to life by dialog. You can only tell if conversation design works by hearing it. Check if it works for you.

Test it with real customers: figure out if it’s right for your product’s purposes.

Good luck!

(For questions feel free to contact me



Product, conversational design and voice-first strategist. believe the biggest revolution is yet to come #voicefirst