How will AI shape the future of VoIP?

AI can help businesses, especially contact centers, improve their operations. Let’s see how AI and its ongoing innovations are influencing the future of VoIP.


Artificial intelligence and machine learning technology have become a buzzword in most industries, including VoIP. It is the next big, disruptive trend for businesses worldwide. Also, AI makes VoIP callers’ lives easier. It detects bandwidth, incorrect network configurations, and latency in the call quality and allows you to fix it before it affects the customers.

Here are Top ways AI is reshaping the VoIP industry:

AI is being used in a variety of communication platforms to improve efficiency. Applications like these are transforming and reshaping the communication industry.

Here are some industries where AI-driven applications are useful:

  • Interactive Voice Response System
  • Contact Center Operations
  • Conferencing Abilities
  • Chatbot Role
  • Pattern identification
  • AI support IVRs
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Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Systems:

As the IVR system is designed to respond automatically to consumer queries, it is beneficial for high call volumes. AI increases this feature by working in the background as AI assistants and collecting relevant consumer data like recent transactions and personal information to resolve a query.

For advanced, user-specific questions, the AI worker sends this detail to the business representative, who will send it to the respective customer care executive.

Contact Center Operations:

VoIP technology enables businesses to manage their call centers hassle-free and to reduce human intervention needs. For instance, AI-integrated VoIP systems can analyze a caller’s personality, queries, and mood, so calls are sent to the agent as they are best equipped to handle them.

This makes call center working procedures more cost-effective and seamless as it decreases the reliability of a help desk operator to answer a call to redirect them.

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Conferencing Abilities:

Web conferencing has enhanced over the years with telecom technology and internet speeds constantly boosting. AI develops it even further with speed recognition technology and real-time language translation that is incredibly beneficial to businesses with multiple geographical areas and stakeholders coming from diverse backgrounds.

Also, AI-enabled web conferencing can offer relevant data and intelligent prompts to guide your confabulation and ensure a fruitful meeting.

Chatbot Role:

Chatbots are helpful programs that receive instructions via auditory or textual means to make tasks automatic. Similar to IVR systems, bots are utilized by businesses to monitor customer interactions. However, AI-powered chatbots go beyond daily bots by performing more complex functions like inviting attendees, setting up meetings, managing time more efficiently, creating schedules, and more.

Pattern Identifications:

Another important AI application is recognizing patterns that can help businesses develop business operations, strategies, and workflows. AI features complicated pattern recognition and has already been opted in Amazon’s Echo, Apple’s Siri, and more. The possible industrial and business application of such a pattern identifying AI is limitless and has formed a bit of hype with industrial advancements. With this efficiency, businesses will be able to save money and use it for other important tasks.

AI Supports IVRs:

Also called Interactive Voice Responses, IVR systems are popular within the call center industry and many other businesses. They help businesses to greet their callers and instruct themselves towards the right agent or department.

With AI’s support, the caller connects to the respective contact or department; the associated department or agent gets all necessary information regarding the caller’s details, issue-related information, previous transactions, and more.

Sometimes, it is also done before the call gets connected to the agent. The AI-powered IVR allows business agents and representatives to deliver exceptional customer support, offering a better customer experience.

AI Effects on VoIP in Future:

AI helps reduce latency in VoIP calls and detect quality problems earlier, which is the prime reason for disruptions in the calls. In addition, AI can manage data more quickly than any other technology present in the market.

Here’s how AI is shaping the VoIP:

  1. Lower bandwidth: AI is designed to deal with wrong network configurations and low bandwidth in real-time to solve latency troubles. It will also help to identify issues related to latency and work to fix them without any interruption. Some AI programs determine data, such as patterns in emails and conversations, to provide insights into customer behavior.
  2. Contact Center Operations: Businesses like telemarketing call centers that witness many calls every day can benefit from VoIP technology when combined with AI. Artificial Intelligence in call centers will manage call traffic by rerouting calls to other networks via machine-learned methods. It is valuable to increase the efficiency of a business as it provides distortion-free communication on both the employee and caller’s end. This makes the caller less frustrated and improves the productivity of consumer service teams.
  3. Improved customer Experience: AI helps to improve the overall experience for customers by providing improved interpretations of requests for understanding customers’ requirements better. As things are done automatically, it saves time by solving complex issues with ease.

Third-party Base: AI and Cloud

With the combination of AI and Cloud, businesses can analyze and collate huge amounts of consumer data to easily explore and determine patterns for AI-based automation. Cloud-hosted VoIP services, working with each other by using a third-party CRM system, helps to maintain the accurate and historical consumer data to use in the offline research and analysis.

This also helps businesses grow complex operational models for offline and AI-based tasks, which was impossible with premises set up. You can also say that the global popularity of AI is encouraging businesses to strategize or engage their consumers in a streamlined manner.


VoIP and AI have jumped on the bandwagon of the technological trend with the advancements in their services and products to improve business operations. Applying AI technologies, including real-time, two-way translation, natural language processing, and more to VoIP channels, can bring a new world to the advanced communication models and business collaboration in the future.

This blog is originally published at
Jul 22, 2021.

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