Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Travel Industry and its Future


Artificial intelligence as a concept has existed for decades though in the current era it is becoming advanced and more reliable enough to carry out complex tasks without assistance. It is strongly linked to ideas that help automate how the processes are carried out with little or no human intervention.

And, while businesses today collect and store vast quantities of data. It would enable machines through AI to utilize this data to perform tasks ranging from data analysis and problem-solving to speech translation, direct messaging, and much more. This is intended to improve personalization during the customer journey. The travel and tourism sector has suffered considerably over the past two years, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. However, it has been a reckoning too: the sector now understands how important it is to brace for the future while also efficiently delivering ace experiences.

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To do precisely that, the sector has turned to AI; listed below are some of the many ways in which this novel technology is driving the transformation of the travel sector.
1. Voice-based assistants: It is not news that travelers today rely on websites and other digital tools to execute virtually every step involved in the travel process: starting from researching hotels to booking plane tickets and such. Unfortunately, all of these processes can be very time-consuming, thus taking a toll on what could be a seamless experience. To address this issue, the travel sector is now turning to chatbots and voice-enabled virtual assistants which leverage natural language processing to help customers book hotel rooms, find information about a tourist spot, etc. with just a voice command.
2. Facial recognition: Yet another application of artificial intelligence that is rapidly gaining popularity in the sector is facial recognition which is being put to work across various points in the travel and tourism sector. For example, facial recognition can be used to verify travelers’ details against documents to accelerate and ease the check-in process. Imagine how much that would speed up lines at airports and improve experiences.

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3. Virtual reality: Travel companies are putting virtual reality along with other forms of mixed media to work in rather interesting ways. For example, some organizations in the travel and tourism sector now use virtual reality to help travelers explore different destinations, locations, etc. This allows them to make more informed decisions and thus, ensure high-quality experiences. Virtual reality is also being used for helping travelers with booking, say, plane tickets: customers can now access a simulation of aircraft, walk across the plane, and then choose a seat. As you can imagine, this greatly enhances customers’ experiences.
4. Robots: Yet another form that AI takes is robots and in the context of this industry, robots are helping companies fortify their presence in the market even in the face of rapidly-growing competition. How? Well, there are many applications for such robots, including receptionists. Such assistants, fortified with the Internet of Things (IoT), can now also be used to do a variety of basic tasks and activities.
Artificial intelligence is renowned across the globe as a mighty powerful technology that can lend value to any industry. This, of course, holds for the travel and tourism sectors as well; as evidenced via the above discussion, artificial intelligence can transform every single aspect of this industry as well. It can significantly improve the quality of customers’ experiences when they engage with a travel and tourism company. Whereas for the companies that offer services for this sector, artificial intelligence helps greatly ease processes, streamline operations, and achieve substantially better overall value for the business. Artificial intelligence has much to contribute to any travel business irrelevant of the scale of their operations and if you want to realize these benefits for your business too, you ought to start working on a plan for custom travel software development for your company ASAP.

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A professional and security-oriented programmer having more than 6 years of experience in designing, implementing, testing and supporting mobile apps developed.