Live on 12 April 2022 @ 1300 ET — Ukraine IT Update 2022: Resilience and Leadership

David A. Bray
2 min readApr 7, 2022
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Dear Colleagues, I wanted to share a quick update regarding a special CxOTalk live discussion organized by Michael Krigsman. Live on Tuesday, 12 April 2022 — he will host both Konstantin Vasyuk — Executive Director of the IT Ukraine Association, the largest association of the tech industry in Ukraine — and I for a conversation on what is right now one of “the ultimate tests in IT resiliency”, specially providing IT services in Ukraine amid everything happening in that conflict region.

Those of us who have had the privilege to serve in IT leadership positions know it’s a combination of having long-term vision and day-to-day execution with the reality that when IT works, practically no one notices, and when it doesn’t for whatever reason folks can get vocal. Providing IT services to keep things running in Ukraine, especially essential services in a warzone, is tremendously demanding — and I hope you’ll join Michael and I as we hear from Konstantin first-hand his experiences being “on the front lines” literally with IT resilience and leadership in Ukraine.

Follow this link to watch to show will be live from 1300–1345 ET on 12 April with a video replay available later on — and as always, please Be Bold, Be Brave, and Be Benevolent!



David A. Bray

Championing People-Centered Ventures & #ChangeAgents. Reflecting on How Our World Is Changing. Leadership is Passion to Improve Our World.