
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning x Udacity — Lesson 2 Notes


Detailed Notes for Machine Learning Foundation Course by Microsoft Azure & Udacity, 2020 on Lesson 2 — Introduction to Machine Learning

In this lesson, you will get a high-level introduction to the field of machine learning.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a data science technique used to extract patterns from data, allowing computers to identify related data, and forecast future outcomes, behaviors, and trends.

One important component of machine learning is that we are taking some data and using it to make predictions or identify important relationships. But looking for patterns


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Brief History of Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence:

A broad term that refers to computers thinking more like humans.

Machine Learning:

A subcategory of artificial intelligence that involves learning from data without being explicitly programmed.

Deep Learning:

A subcategory of machine learning that uses a layered neural-network architecture originally inspired by the human brain.

Data Science Process

Raw data, however, is often noisy and unreliable and may contain missing values and outliers. Using such data for modeling can produce misleading results. For the data scientist, the ability to combine large, disparate data sets into a format more appropriate for analysis is an increasingly crucial skill.

Collect Data: Query databases, call Web Services, APIs, scraping web pages.

Prepare Data: Clean data and create features needed for the model.

Train Model: Select the algorithm, and prepare training, testing, and validation data sets. Set-up training pipelines including feature vectorization, feature scaling, tuning parameters, model performance on validation data using evaluation metrics or graphs.

Evaluate Model: Test & compare the performance of models with evaluation metrics/graphs on the validation data set.

Deploy Model: Package the model and dependencies. Part of DevOps, integrate training, evaluation, and deployment scripts in respective build & release pipeline.

Artificial Intelligence Jobs

Common Types of Data

  • Numeric
  • Time-series
  • Categorical
  • Text
  • Images

Tabular Data

Data that is arranged in a data table and is the most common type of data in Machine Learning. is arranged in rows and columns. In tabular data, typically each row describes a single item, while each column describes different properties of the item. Each row describes a single product (e.g., a shirt), while each column describes a property the products can have (e.g., the color of the product)

Row: An item or entity.

Column: A property that the items or entities in the table can have.

Cell: A single value.


It is important to know that in machine learning we ultimately always work with numbers or specifically vectors.

A vector is simply an array of numbers, such as (1, 2, 3)—or a nested array that contains other arrays of numbers, such as (1, 2, (1, 2, 3)).

For now, the main points you need to be aware of are that:

  • All non-numerical data types (such as images, text, and categories) must eventually be represented as numbers
  • In machine learning, the numerical representation will be in the form of an array of numbers — that is, a vector

Scaling Data

Scaling data means transforming it so that the values fit within some range or scale, such as 0–100 or 0–1. This scaling process will not affect the algorithm output since every value is scaled in the same way. But it can speed up the training process.

Two common approaches to scaling data:

Standardization rescales data so that it has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1. The formula for this is:

(𝑥 − 𝜇)/𝜎

Normalization rescales the data into the range [0, 1].

The formula for this is:

(𝑥 −𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛)/(𝑥𝑚𝑎𝑥 −𝑥𝑚𝑖𝑛)

Encoding Data

when we have categorical data, we need to encode it in some way so that it is represented numerically.

There are two common approaches for encoding categorical data:

  1. Ordinal encoding: convert the categorical data into integer codes ranging from 0 to (number of categories – 1). One of the potential drawbacks of this approach is that it implicitly assumes an order across the categories.
  2. One-hot encoding: transform each categorical value into a column. One drawback of one-hot encoding is that it can potentially generate a very large number of columns.

Image Data

An image consists of small tiles called pixels. The color of each pixel is represented with a set of values:

  • In grayscale images, each pixel can be represented by a single number, which typically ranges from 0 to 255. This value determines how dark the pixel appears (e.g., 0 is black while 255 is bright white).
  • In colored images, each pixel can be represented by a vector of three numbers (each ranging from 0 to 255) for the three primary color channels: red, green, and blue. These three red, green, and blue (RGB) values are used together to decide the color of that pixel. For example, purple might be represented as 128, 0, 128 (a mix of moderately intense red and blue, with no green).

Color Depth or Depth:

The number of channels required to represent a color in an image.

  • RGB depth = 3 (i.e each pixel has 3 channels)
  • Grayscale depth= 1

Encoding an Image:

We need to know the following three things about an image to in order to encode it:

  • Horizontal position of each pixel
  • Vertical position of each pixel
  • Color of each pixel

We can fully encode an image numerically by using a vector with three dimensions. The size of the vector required for any given image would be:

Size of Vector = height * weight * depth

Image Data is normalized to subtract per channel mean pixel values

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Other Preprocessing Steps:

In addition to encoding an image numerically, we may also need to do some other preprocessing steps. Generally, we would want to ensure the input images have:

  • Uniform aspect ratio
  • Normalized
  • Rotation
  • Cropping
  • Resizing
  • Denoising
  • Centering

Text Data


Text normalization is the process of transforming a piece of text into its canonical (official) form.

  • Lemmatization: example of Normalization; the process of reducing multiple inflections to a single dictionary form
  • Lemma: dictionary form of a word e.g. is -> be
  • Stop-words: high-frequency unwanted words during the analysis
  • Tokenize: split each string of text into a list of smaller parts or tokens


The next step after Normalization is to actually encode the text in a numerical form called vectorization. There are many different ways that we can vectorize a word or a sentence, depending on how we want to use it. Common approaches include:

  • Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) Vectorization: gives less importance to words that contain less information and are common in documents, e.g. the, and to give higher importance to words that contain relevant information and appear less frequently. It assigns weights to words that signify their relevance in the documents.
  • Word Embedding: Word2Vec, GloVe

Feature Extraction:

  • Vectors with length n can be visualized as a line in an n dimension space
  • Any vector with the same length can be visualized in the same space
  • The closeness of one vector to another can be calculated as Vector Space
  • Vectors close by can have a similar meaning or have some connection


Here we will list how the above processes fit together to achieve a larger goal of training a machine-learning model to analyze text data.

  • Collection of documents and their labels
  • Text Normalization
  • Feature Extraction and Vectorization
  • Train Model (with above data)
  • Deploy

Two Perspectives on ML

As you can see, data plays a central role in how problems are modeled in machine learning. In very broad terms, we can think of machine learning as a matter of using some data (perhaps historical data that we already have on hand) to train a model. Then, once the model is trained, we can feed it new input data and have it tell us something useful.

So the general idea is that we create models and then feed data into these models to generate outputs. These outputs might be, for example, predictions for future trends or patterns in the data.

This idea draws on work not only from computer science but also statistics — and as a result, you will often see the same underlying machine learning concepts described using different terms. For example, a computer scientist might say something like:

We are using input features to create a program that can generate the desired output.

In contrast, someone with a background in statistics might be inclined to say something more like:

We are trying to find a mathematical function that, given the values of the independent variables can predict the values of the dependent variables.

While the terminology is different, the challenges are the same, that is how to get the best possible outcome.

The Computer Science Perspective

For the rows in the table, we call each row an entity or an observation about an entity. A row of data is also referred to as an instance.

For the columns in the table, we refer to each column as a feature or an attribute which describes the property of an entity.

The Statistical Perspective

The data is described in terms of independent variables and dependent variables. These names come from the idea that the value of one variable may depend on the value of some other variables.

From a statistical perspective, the machine learning algorithm is trying to learn a hypothetical function (f) such that:

Output Variable = f(Input Variables)

Typically, the independent variables are the input, and the dependent variables are the output. Thus, the above formula can also be expressed as:

Dependent Variable = f(Independent Variables)

Yet another way to represent this concept is to use shorthand notation. Often, the input variables are denoted as X and the output variable is denoted as Y:

Y = f(X)

The Tools for Machine Learning

The Machine Learning Ecosystem:

A typical machine learning ecosystem is made up of three main components:

1. Libraries. A library is a collection of pre-written (and compiled) code that you can make use of in your own project. NumPy is an example of a library popularly used in data science, while TensorFlow is a library specifically designed for machine learning.

2. Development environments. A development environment is a software application (or sometimes a group of applications) that provide a whole suite of tools designed to help you (as the developer or machine learning engineer) build out your projects. Jupyter Notebooks and Visual Studio are examples of development environments that are popular for coding many different types of projects, including machine learning projects.

3. Cloud services. A cloud service is a service that offers data storage or computing power over the Internet. In the context of machine learning, you can use a cloud service to access a server that is likely far more powerful than your own machine, or that comes equipped with machine learning models that are ready for you to use.

4. Notebooks: Notebooks are originally created as a documenting tool that others can use to reproduce experiments. Notebooks typically contain a combination of runnable code, output, formatted text, and visualizations. One of the most popular open-source notebooks used today by data scientists and data science engineers is Jupyter notebook, which can combine code, formatted text (markdown), and visualization.

5. End-to-end with Azure: You can analyze and train a small amount of data with your local machine using Jupyter notebook, Visual studio, or other tools. With very large amounts of data, or you need a faster processor, it’s a better idea to train and test the model remotely using cloud services such as Microsoft Azure.

Libraries for Machine Learning

Core Framework and Tools

  • Python is a very popular high-level programming language that is great for data science. Its ease of use and wide support within popular machine learning platforms, coupled with a large catalog of ML libraries, has made it a leader in this space.
  • Pandas is an open-source Python library designed for analyzing and manipulating data. It is particularly good for working with tabular data and time-series data.
  • NumPy, like Pandas, is a Python library. NumPy provides support for large, multi-dimensional arrays of data, and has many high-level mathematical functions that can be used to perform operations on these arrays.

Machine Learning and Deep Learning

  • Scikit-Learn is a Python library designed specifically for machine learning. It is designed to be integrated with other scientific and data-analysis libraries, such as NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib (described below).
  • Apache Spark is an open-source analytics engine that is designed for cluster-computing and that is often used for large-scale data processing and big data.
  • TensorFlow is a free, open-source software library for machine learning built by Google Brain.
  • Keras is a Python deep-learning library. It provides an Application Programming Interface (API) that can be used to interface with other libraries, such as TensorFlow, in order to program neural networks. Keras is designed for rapid development and experimentation.
  • PyTorch is an open-source library for machine learning, developed in large part by Facebook’s AI Research lab. It is known for being comparatively easy to use, especially for developers already familiar with Python and a Pythonic code style.

Data Visualization

  • Plotly is not itself a library, but rather a company that provides a number of different front-end tools for machine learning and data science — including an open-source graphing library for Python.
  • Matplotlib is a Python library designed for plotting 2D visualizations. It can be used to produce graphs and other figures that are high quality and usable in professional publications. You’ll see that the Matplotlib library is used by a number of other libraries and tools, such as SciKit Learn (above) and Seaborn (below). You can easily import Matplotlib for use in a Python script or to create visualizations within a Jupyter Notebook.
  • Seaborn is a Python library designed specifically for data visualization. It is based on matplotlib, but provides a more high-level interface and has additional features for making visualizations more attractive and informative.
  • Bokeh is an interactive data visualization library. In contrast to a library like matplotlib that generates a static image as its output, Bokeh generates visualizations in HTML and JavaScript. This allows for web-based visualizations that can have interactive features.

Cloud Services for Machine Learning

Typical cloud service for machine learning provides support for managing the core assets involved in machine learning projects. For your reference, you can see a table summarizing these main assets below.

Machine learning cloud services also need to provide support for managing the resources required for running machine learning tasks:

A Brief Intro to Azure Machine Learning:

A brief look at the main features of Azure ML workspace, a centralized place to work with all the artifacts you create:

Models vs. Algorithms:

Models (rules)

Models are the specific representations learned from data e.g. decision trees, set of coefficient outputs, what is learned by an algorithm on data. A machine learning model can also be written in a set of weights or coefficients instead of a full equation.

Algorithms (set of instructions)

Algorithms are the processes of learning e.g. Least Squares, which can be represented by any math equations. An algorithm is a mathematical tool that can usually be represented by an equation as well as implemented in code.

Model = Algo(Data)

Linear Regression:

An algorithm that uses a straight line (or plane) to describe relationships between variables.

y = mx + b   or   y = B0​ + B1 ​∗ x

In algebraic terms, we may refer to mm as the coefficient of x or simply the slope of the line, and we may call bb the y-intercept. In machine learning, you will typically see the y-intercept referred to as the bias. Equations like these can be used to make predictions. Once we know m and b, we can feed in value for x and the equation will give us the value of y. In machine learning, the equation used for simple linear regression.

In more complex cases where there is more than one input variable, we might see something like this:

y = B_0 + B_1*x_1 + B_2*x_2 + B_3*x_3 … + B_n *x_ny=B0​+B1​∗x1​+B2​∗x2​+B3​∗x3​…+Bn​∗xn

In this case, we are using multiple input variables to predict the output. When we have multiple input variables like this, we call it multiple linear regression. The visualization of multiple linear regression is no longer a simple line, but instead a plane in multiple dimensions:

Training a Linear Regression Model:

To train a linear regression model” simply means to learn the coefficients and bias that best fit the data.

The Cost Function:

When we make a prediction using the line, we expect the prediction to have some error. The process of finding the best model is essentially a process of finding the coefficients and bias that minimize this error. To calculate this error, we use a cost function. The most commonly used cost function for linear regression is the root mean squared error (RMSE)

Preparing Data:

There are several assumptions or conditions you need to keep in mind when you use the linear regression algorithm. If the raw data does not meet these assumptions, then it needs to be prepared and transformed prior to use.

  • Linear Assumption: The relationship between the input variables and the output variable needs to be a linear relationship. If the raw data does not follow a linear relationship, you may be able to transform your data prior to using it with the linear regression algorithm.
  • Remove Collinearity: When two variables are collinear, this means they can be modeled by the same line or are at least highly correlated; in other words, one input variable can be accurately predicted by the other. Having highly correlated input variables will make the model less consistent, so it’s important to perform a correlation check among input variables and remove highly correlated input variables.
  • Gaussian (normal) Distribution: The distance between output variables and real data (called residual) is normally distributed. If this is not the case in the raw data, you will need to first transform the data so that the residual has a normal distribution.
  • Rescale Data: Linear regression is very sensitive to the distance among data points, so it’s always a good idea to normalize or standardize the data.
  • Remove Noise: Linear regression is very sensitive to noise and outliers in the data. Outliers will significantly change the line learned. Thus, cleaning the data is a critical step prior to applying linear regression.

Calculating the Coefficients:

We take the general equation for a line and use some data to learn the coefficients for a specific line that will best fit the data.

The formula for getting the slope of the line looks something like this:

To get the intercept, we calculate:

And to get the root mean squared error (RMSE), we have:

Learning Functions

The goal is to learn a useful transformation of the input data that gets us closer to the expected output.

Irreducible Error:

The variable e is called irreducible error because no matter how good we get at estimating the target function (f), we cannot reduce this error. It is caused by the data collection process — such as when we don’t have enough data or don’t have enough data features.

Y = f(X) + e

Variable e is the error, no matter how good the algorithm gets, this error remains. It comes which data collection process.

Model Error:

The model error measures how much the prediction made by the model is different from the true output. The model error is generated from the model and can be reduced during the model learning process.

error = prediction - target

Parametric vs. Non-parametric

Based on the assumptions about the shape and structure of the function they try to learn, machine learning algorithms are categorized as:


Simplify the mapping to a known form and a fixed number of variables, e.g. Linear Regression.


  • Simpler and easier to understand; easier to interpret the results
  • Faster when talking about learning from data
  • Less training data required to learn the mapping function, working well even if the fit to data is not perfect


  • Highly constrained to the specified form of the simplified function
  • Limited complexity of the problems they are suitable for
  • Poor fit in practice, unlikely to match the underlying mapping function.


Not making assumptions regarding the form of the mapping between input & output data. They are free to learn any functional form from training data, e.g. K-Nearest Neighbors.


  • High flexibility, in the sense that they are capable of fitting a large number of functional forms
  • Power by making weak or no assumptions on the underlying function
  • High performance in the prediction models that are produced


  • More training data is required to estimate the mapping function
  • Slower to train, generally having far more parameters to train
  • Overfitting the training data is a risk; overfitting makes it harder to explain the resulting predictions

Classical ML vs. Deep Learning

All deep learning algorithms are machine learning algorithms but not all machine learning algorithms are deep learning algorithms. Deep learning algorithms are based on neural networks and the classical ML algorithms are based on classical mathematical algorithms.

Deep learning advantages:

  • Suitable for high complexity problems
  • Better accuracy, compared to classical ML
  • Better support for big data
  • Complex features can be learned

Deep learning disadvantages:

  • Difficult to explain trained data
  • Require significant computational power

Classical ML advantages:

  • More suitable for small data
  • Easier to interpret outcomes
  • Cheaper to perform
  • Can run on low-end machines
  • Does not require large computational power

Classical ML disadvantages:

  • Difficult to learn large datasets
  • Require feature engineering
  • Difficult to learn complex functions

Approaches to Machine Learning

There are three main approaches to machine learning:

Supervised Learning

Learns from data that contains both the inputs and expected outputs (e.g., labeled data). It is a passive process where learning is performed without any actions that could influence the data. Common types are:

  • Classification: Outputs are categorical.
  • Regression: Outputs are continuous and numerical.
  • Similarity Learning: Learns from examples using a similarity function that measures how similar two objects are.
  • Feature Learning: Learns to automatically discover the representations or features from raw data.
  • Anomaly Detection: A special form of classification, which learns from data labeled as normal/abnormal.

Unsupervised Learning

Learns from data that contains both the inputs and expected outputs (e.g., labeled data). It is also a passive process. Common types are:

  • Classification: Outputs are categorical.
  • Regression: Outputs are continuous and numerical.
  • Similarity Learning: Learns from examples using a similarity function that measures how similar two objects are.
  • Feature Learning: Learns to automatically discover the representations or features from raw data.
  • Anomaly Detection: A special form of classification, which learns from data labeled as normal/abnormal.

Reinforcement Learning

Learns how an agent should take action in an environment in order to maximize a reward function. It s an active process where the actions of the agent influence the data observed in the future, hence influencing its own potential future states.

  • Markov Decision Process: A mathematical process to model decision-making in situations where outcomes are partly random and partly under the control of a decision-maker. Does not assume knowledge of an exact mathematical model.


Bias vs. Variance:

Bias: measures how inaccurate the model prediction is in comparison with the true output. It is due to erroneous assumptions made in the machine learning process to simplify the model and make the target function easier to learn. High model complexity tends to have low bias.

Variance: measures how much the target function will change if different training data is used. Variance can be caused by modeling the random noise in the training data. High model complexity tends to have a high variance.

  • Parametric/Linear Algorithms: high bias, low variance
  • Non-parametric/Non-linear Algorithms: low bias, high variance

Overfitting vs. Underfitting:

Overfitting: refers to the situation in which models fit the training data very well, but fail to generalize to new data.

Underfitting: refers to the situation in which models neither fit the training data nor generalize to new data.

Prediction Error:

The prediction error can be viewed as the sum of model error and the irreducible error.

prediction error = Bias error + variance + error + irreducible error

Low Bias: Fewer assumptions about target functions. Having fewer assumptions can help generalize relevant relations between features and target outputs, e.g. Decision Trees, K-Nearest Neighbors.

High Bias: More assumptions about target functions. Having more assumptions can potentially miss important relations between features and outputs and cause underfitting, e.g. Linear, Logistic Regression.

Low Variance: changes in training data would result in similar target functions, e.g. Linear Regression, Latent Dirichlet Analysis.

High Variance: changes in training data would result in very different target functions. High variance suggests that the algorithm learns the random noise instead of the output and causes overfitting, e.g. Support Vector Machines.

The goal of training machine learning models is to achieve low bias and low variance. The optimal model complexity is where bias error crosses with variance error.

Limit Overfitting:

  • Use a resampling technique like k-fold cross-validation
  • Hold back a validation dataset from the initial training data to estimate how well the model generalizes on new data.
  • Simplify the model
  • Use more data if available
  • Reduce dimensionality in a training dataset. It projects training data into a smaller dimension to decrease the model complexity.
  • Stop the training early when the performance on the testing dataset has not improved after a number of training iterations.

Lesson Summary

In this lesson, our goal was to give you a high-level introduction to the field of machine learning, including the broader context in which this branch of computer science exists.

Main topics we covered:

  • What machine learning is and why it’s so important in today’s world
  • The historical context of machine learning
  • The data science process
  • The types of data that machine learning deals with
  • The two main perspectives in ML: the statistical perspective and the computer science perspective
  • The essential tools needed for designing and training machine learning models
  • The basics of Azure ML
  • The distinction between models and algorithms
  • The basics of a linear regression model
  • The distinction between parametric vs. non-parametric functions
  • The distinction between classical machine learning vs. deep learning
  • The main approaches to machine learning
  • The trade-offs that come up when making decisions about how to design and training machine learning models

In the process, you also trained your first machine learning model using Azure Machine Learning Studio.

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