My 2021 in review

Computer vision, art & design

Margaret Maynard-Reid


I look back at my accomplishments in 2021. I worked on various applied ML projects from climate change, protecting sharks to art & design. Highlights include open-source projects, TensorFlow, computer vision, deep learning, art and design. As always, I have been busy learning and sharing my knowledge with the community!

Description: feature image containing text: “2021 Year in Review”.
Image by the author

Applied ML projects


Early 2022 I worked as an ML researcher on a Frontier Development Lab project using ML for climate change (MLCC). It was an 8-week sprint where we focused on using ML to solve flooding issues which are costly and destructive.

Description: ML4CC certificate for Margaret Maynard-Reid.

Shark AI

I also worked on a Shark AI project with Sci-Eye Australia scientists to use drones and on-device ML to protect both the sharks and the humans.


In 2021 I continued my learning and completed a few certificates.

  1. Certified TensorFlow developer! Read my blog post for more details.
Description: Sketchnotes by Margaret with a summary of TensorFlow dev certificate.
TensorFlow Developer Certificate Sketchnotes, image by the author

2. TensorFlow: Advanced Techniques Specialization on Coursera.

Description: Sketchnotes by Margaret on “TensorFlow Advanced Techniques Coursera” specialization
TensorFlow Advanced Techniques Scketchnotes, image by the author

3. It took me a while but I finally finished the Udacity Data Science Nanodegree.

Description: Udacity data science nanodegree certificate for Margaret Maynard-Reid.
Udacity Data Science Nanodegree

Community & open source

I continue to contribute to the ML GDE community, one of my key contributions in 2021 was help launching our own ML GDEs YouTube Channel! Here is a little intro video about myself with an overview of several projects I collaborated with the other ML GDEs.

During the summer, I mentored several students for the open-source TensorFlow projects as part of Google Summer of Code 2021: TensorFlow-GAN, TensorFlow Model Garden / Hub, and TensorFlow Lite.

Tweet of my GSOC 2021 mentoring blog post

I was very honored to receive a TensorFlow top contributor award representing the Americas region. It was a surprise announcement at the end of the annual TensorFlow Contributor Summit!

Tweet of receiving a TensorFlow regional award

My sketchnotes was included in the official announcement of the TensorFlow Contributor Awardees!

2021 TensorFlow Contributor Awardees Sketchnotes, image by the author

Art & design

I continued my study of art, and throughout the year I dedicated a lot of time to drawing and painting.

Tweet of my drawing: pencil sketch realistic eyes

This year, I started to create a course called GANs in Art and Design on PyImage Search University. It’s a course that teaches Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and how to use the various GAN models in art and design. It’s still a work-in- progress and I look forward to completing the course.

PyImageSearch has helped me to learn computer vision over the years. It was quite an honor to be the first author other than Adrian to publish on PyImageSearch.

Tweet of “Intro to GANs” on PyImageSearch

In November, I had fun giving a talk “Generative Art and Design with TensorFlow” at the “Open Data Science Conference West” in San Francisco. It was my first in-person conference talk since the past 2 years! The audience was a mix of technologists, data scientists, engineers, artists and designers.

Talk at ODSC West 2021, image by ODSC West

Towards the end 2021, I took on learning 3D sculpting and 3D painting, which I found quite fascinating. I’m looking forward to spending more time learning 3D art and hopefully share my artworks soon!



ML GDE (Google Developer Expert) | AI, Art & Design | 3D Fashion Designer