Peculium and the Secret


Over the course of the month Peculium has enlightened the blockchain and crypto community with a special task. Find the secret, but what is the secret?

Every avenue of thought has been explored in search of the secret with subtle, very subtle clues being left along the way.

My personal experience has been an amazing one. I began looking for visual clues, first exploring their main announcement and website ( ). Exploring every thought that came to mind, and observing others forming their own fascinating discoveries.

Shortly someone discovered a channel in slack and a memo was posted to visit their main slack channel #secret_challenge. It was told clues would be hidden within the channel for users to discover. No time was wasted as we all dove deeper into the rabbit hole.

I have explored far and wide for answers even leaving me convinced that one or more of the users may potentially be AML chat bots, or that the secret is simply a way to gather the very essence of human creativity, as a way for EVE to adapt creative intelligence.

Wonderful minds have come together exploring time, space, psychology, math, and even mushrooms🍄 The “secret” has provided such thought provoking ideas and theories. Incidentally they all are true to some degree. All finding links to something directly. A sort of 7 degrees of separation, surpassing humans but entering, ideas and even space/time.

Finding a universal connection to all things, and bringing us together, a singularity.

We are the DNA, we are the construct of eve, our limitless imaginations enable her deep thinking out side of the box much like a human. All of our answers are theoretically correct, finding connections to an idea, a secret. Those answers also interconnected joining all ideas, all people, all things as one.

We can potentially see the future by connecting everything as one, and a puzzle piece forms from the chaos. Maybe an answer to that one true question “why?”

The secret of life is a mystery and the mystery can be solved if we come together, which is precisely what Peculium has done with the secret challenge.

Illumination is key, knowledge and transparency. In order to create a type one civilization we must become one, and open our selves. Collaborate rather than selfishness and destruction where secrets create a technological stall of advancement

Through my thoughts I found a simple and elegant idea, from Pacman, the ghosts, that is. Pinky used prediction based algorithm to catch Pacman. Predicting where Pacman would go.Leading me to the fact that AI and machines know humans better than we know our selves. EVE if brilliant enough, may even know when and where we may become extinct.

What is the secret?

We are accelerating faster than anticipated, with the one example AlphaGO

“AlphaGo is the first computer program to defeat a professional human Go player, the first program to defeat a Go world champion, and arguably the strongest Go player in history.”


What is the significance of AlphaGO? Well its not just an algorithm with every potential smart move programmed into a computer. In fact that would be unreasonable given the sheer amount of potential moves in the game. So what is different? Intuition.

Consider the following, deep reinforcement learning.

What is the results of this? Well for example, the computer is given a task, such as a basic game. Given no indication of what or how to play, the computer learns from trial and error. Eventually learning what causes the game to progress forward. However it doesn’t just become the most efficient/skilled player. It uses intuition to find ways to beat the game BETTER, just as a human would.

“This paradigm of learning by trial-and-error, solely from rewards or punishments, is known as reinforcement learning (RL). Also like a human, our agents construct and learn their own knowledge directly from raw inputs, such as vision, without any hand-engineered features or domain heuristics. This is achieved by deep learning of neural networks. At DeepMind we have pioneered the combination of these approaches — deep reinforcement learning — to create the first artificial agents to achieve human-level performance across many challenging domains.”


Now apply this to EVE with Peculium, and realize the implications. Eve will become the most efficient, and intuitive market trader alive.

Now one thing I have considered is the fact that as humans we are limited to our reality. We see only sections of time, and can only perceive a limited amount of data at once. Cross sections of time.

Computers have the ability to allocate all this information for visual representation, however we still lack the ability to go through all the data effectively, even with the help of computers.

Blockchains may be able to act as a decentralized ledger of human intelligence that will be used by a machine such as EVE. I have thought of in the past, using blockchains for Data Mining.

Identification, spending habits, medical records, all knowledge combined into a blockchain of human records.

Perhaps even a vault, much like how we store seeds for disaster, we can store human history on a blockchain, a machine such as eve can view all of history faster than any human ever. Thus seeing patterns to the future, predicting markets is neat, but EVE potentially can predict everything.

Using blockchains can be a way to preserve human history for future generations and even other worldy beings. The implications of AI and Blockchains can be potentially ground breaking for advancement in all aspects.

We are not just trying to create AI to behave as humans but make humans behave like AI, which has a need for transparency and trust. In order to accelerate this path, we need data. Data plays a huge role in this advancement. Reaching to the far ends of the web collecting data feeds the ability to learn, to understand and respond.

I encourage you to learn about AI and the future because this is coming faster than you can comprehend.

