Strategies to Reimagine Consumer’s Digital Trip in a New Age


Normal routines of smartphone shops, automobile dealerships, or dining experiences, many of these travels have been transformed into digital experiences. A recent study published by Kantar revealed that India’s monthly active internet user population is expected to reach 639 million by the end of 2020, mostly due to social alienation and lockdown measures in the country. Life has been interrupted as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, which has had a rippling effect across the country’s socio-economic fabric. One of the most noticeable outcomes has been seen throughout the consumer’s purchasing trip. Whether it’s excursions to the local grocery,

As a new normal began to develop, customers, even those who were previously averse to digital technology, turned to e-commerce platforms and mobile applications to suit their demands. Meanwhile, companies concentrated their resources online, via new features, deals, and technologically-driven innovations to increase their reach and prominence among consumers. It is interesting to note that in India, cellphones are one of the most searched for and most purchased product categories. According to a Flipkart survey published in 2021, cellphones ranked first on the list of the most sought-after products that buyers looked for. Given the fact that customers will continue to gather online for the foreseeable future and will limit their trips to brick and mortar establishments, it is critical to building memorable and engaging digital experiences to increase your customer experience quotient. All the while making certain that their mobile phone of choice arrives at their door in good condition.

Why CIOs pick Big Data strategies for digital transformation know the reasons:

Take a journey inside the mind of customer 2.0 to help those who are still hesitant. Businesses now have the opportunity to establish the basis for a prosperous future in an increasingly interconnected world.

Digital transformation has become more important in today’s fiercely competitive environment. The creation of new business models, processes, and technology have been the starting point for many firms on their transformative path. Many others, via their activities in the area of strong innovation, are already seeing the transformative force of digital transformation. As a result, CIOs are playing an increasingly important role in strategic planning, which is helping to enhance business results and set the stage for the future.

Big Data Jobs

1. Prediction Analysis and Business Optimization

Massive amounts of raw data, whether organized or unstructured, may be gathered by businesses from a variety of different sources. Customers’ behavior and machine problems may be predicted using big data predictive models and machine learning technologies, which are becoming more popular. Because of this, companies may maximize their strategies by giving a discount, other promotional offers, or even suggesting alternative items for customers to consider purchasing. Additionally, they may do predictive maintenance on equipment to ensure that it does not fail.

2. Redesign the consumer experience

With consumers acquiring more power over how businesses offer experiences, businesses must create new experiences that match their needs.

An HBR poll found that 40 percent of respondents believe that improving the customer experience is their top priority when it comes to digitization.

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Because every interaction with a consumer influences their overall opinion of a company, adopting a strategy that emphasizes building connections with customers is a good decision.

73 percent of respondents to the same poll expressed excitement about the change to digital because it provides a new opportunity to build stronger connections with consumers. So, if you want to improve the entire experience of your consumers, put your time and money into technology that helps you build stronger business ties with them.

3. Increase the Productivity of Your Employees

Big data solutions Australia assist firms in obtaining real-time vital performance measures that allow them to create objectives for their personnel. To urge workers to keep their eyes on the prize, these statistics may be made transparent, such as via huge display displays in the workplace or by sharing them during team meetings, among other methods. Workforce management software may provide valuable information such as the most productive staff, as well as the most unproductive applications and websites, among other things. Workforce analytics may also reveal crucial health issues, like chronic stress, in an unproductive employee, allowing managers and players to intervene and correct the situation as soon as it is discovered.

4. Getting Things Started

To make sense of the massive amounts of information that organizations gather, they must employ a data analyst. Limited firms that acquire a small amount of information or those that cannot afford to employ a data analyst do not have to go down this route.

Businesses can gather data, split it into sets, modify and arrange it in a manner that their teams can review and comprehend thanks to a variety of tools and platforms available to them. These tools may also assist small company owners in understanding the implications of the choices they make based on the data they collect, as well as existing trends and predictions.

Once a firm can evaluate large or small collections of data, whether via the use of technologies or by the hire of a digital analyzer, the company may begin to make significant progress in its digital transformation. A competitive advantage in a particular market may therefore be gained as a result of this digital transformation.

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Divyesh is working as freelance a Marketing Consultant specializing in blogging, editor and different digital marketing service provider.